Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Creating Rule in Outlook Inbox

Another week, another tip.   I really think teacher should be making a Google Site for their class.  It makes communication with your students and parents SO much easier.  The tutorial on how to make a Google Site can be found at the top of THIS PAGE.  It sounds tougher than it will actually be.  Don’t forget ALL our tutorials can be found on that website (I have it on my email signature too), and we are adding to them each week, so bookmark it!

I know that some people are saving my emails in a folder to read later.  Did you know you can “make a rule” in outlook to automatically place my emails in a folder you create?  I do this a lot and it REALLY helps me organize my inbox so its not crazy full.

Its slightly different for the client version and the web browser version of Outlook:

  1. Client (this is the actual computer program)
    • Create a folder by right clicking “Inbox” on the left hand side
    • After you have created a new folder, right click on the message you’d like to make a rule fo
    • Next, choose the rules you want to create.  Read carefully, there are a lot of options.  I usually just select “From _______” and “Move the item to folder ________”.  If I were making a rule for Steve’s emails, I would probably “select” a different folder.  Press OK
    • It will probably ask you if you want to “apply” the rule to the inbox…..I usually say “yes” because that puts ALL emails from that person in your inbox to that new folder.  Now Outlook will automatically place new emails in that folder so you can come back to them later without it messing up your inbox
  2. Web Browser
    • This will be almost the exact same process, but your pop up window looks different.  Right click the message and “Create Rule” 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Kahoot, Classtools, FunnyTimes Comics

        I just thought I would show you a couple of sites that are pretty cool. 

    1. The first one is called KAHOOT.  You sign up, make a series of questions and you are ready to go.  I like to think of it as nearly identical to the Buffalo Wild Wings trivia game, but without the wings and more focus.  On the projector Students see the question.  Then they look at their own device, an iPad, or Laptop to select answers.  The program keeps track of how many points they get based on how quickly they get the correct answer.  It shows the top 5 scores from the class between each question.  Kids love it, and you can download their responses to get data for formative assessment (this is NOT appropriate to use as a summative or formal quiz)
    2. Classtools has a couple of tools I like, for example a random name selector and a giant countdown timer for in class use.
    3. Funnytimes Comics I always loved having student make a comic strip to check up on what they know and give them a chance to be creative…maybe even funny.  Make sure to read the directions about how to make a comic before you have your kids do it; its pretty simple! ( I always had the students print out the comics instead of “publishing” them on the website)

    Have a great week.  Today I’ll be back in the buildings:

    Oak Ridge 8:45-11:00
    LRC Work: 11:00-12:30
    Excelsior: 1:00-3:30

    CJ McDonald
    Linn-Mar Community School District
    Middle School Technology Integration Coach
    (319) 892-4856
    LM TICs Website: http://ow.ly/AxFhK

Thursday, September 18, 2014

PowerSchool Email and Outlook

     I have spoken to some of you about this, but I have failed, up to this point to send out a mass email about PowerSchool emails.  I apologize for this. 

PowerSchool email does not work at this time.  I know the IT department has put in a lot of work on this problem in the last few weeks. It does not look like there is a solution in sight as the company that operates PowerSchool (Pierson) claims nothing is wrong on their end.  Many parents get the emails, but it gets kicked to their spam or blocked altogether.  Again, there is no solution to this at this time. 

The way I see it, you have a couple options:

  1. Create a new “Group” in Outlook containing the parents’ emailsàthis means a lot of cut & pasting from PowerSchool.
  2. Create a Google website with updated information.  Send your students home a slip of paper with the URL (web address) on it and post the URL onto your LM staff website.

Full disclosure: I love the idea of teachers having a Google site with a daily blog telling what happened in class each day.  I did this as a classroom teacher and it TRANSFORMED my class and my work day.  Absent students and parents were able to get onto the blog and see notes, assignments, and due dates.  I created “Screencasts” of my notes and instructions for larger projects.  (screencasts, by the way are very easy to do for any of you).  Kids and parents were able to access the information when they were absent or “forgot” information in class.  I used my student computer in my classroom to have students get onto the blog and work when they were behind and ask questions if something wasn’t clear. Also, if I had a sub I could post information or a screencast there to guide the substitute or students while I was absent.

If you are interested in part or all of that, I would LOVE to help you out.  If a large enough group of you would be interested, I’d love to stop in during your team prep or another convenient time to get you started and provide continuing support. 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Following and Unfollowing OneDrive, Dancing guy Leadership video

A SHORT VIDEO called “Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy” (2:57) that Steven Starkey shared with me.  I’m certain this applies in lots of areas of our career, let alone tech in the class.   I think you’ll get a kick out of it.

    A couple of things I’d like to let you know is possible:
  1. You can have your OneDrive Synced to your Computer (like DropBox)  Its easy.  If you are interested, let me know!
  2. When someone shares documents on OneDrive with you, it is best to press the “follow” button on the email.  This puts it in the “followed Documents” folder in OneDrive and gives you the option to stop following.  This could be great for when massive amounts of students share something you’ll need to see one time.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

OneDrive and Downloading from YouTube

 Hope all is going well.  A couple of pieces of information to share with you quickly. 

  1. OneDriveà Sharing documents works much better if you select “Follow” in the email you get when someone shares with you.  You can then find it and even “unfollow” it in the “Followed Documents” section of OneDrive.  If you want to test it out, just email me and I’ll share a random doc for you to practice with.

  1. If you’ve got twitter, consider following the Teacher Leader twitter feed: @LionLeaders…

  1. HERE is the Teacher Leader Blog.  There will be lots of stories from across the district.  A new post about a couple MS teachers coming sometime today!

  1. If you have a project or lesson you want advice on or even just to share, email me and we’ll set up a time to meet.  I’d love to help brainstorm with you and help anticipate potential problems!

Worried about the “related videos” when you show a video to your class?  Want to download a YouTube video to save on your computer?  Use THIS TUTORIAL from our website to help!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

YouTube without "Related Videos"

Great Question from a staff member about how to show a YouTube video without the “related videos” which can often… be controversial.

Cut and paste the YouTube URL into this website:

Don't forget to bookmark that page if you find it useful!!