Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bookmarking in Chrome

    Tuesday Tic Tip
    CJ Mcdonald
    ORALL; EX All
    Tuesday, November 25, 2014 6:43 AM

    Good morning and Happy Thanksgiving week!

    A couple notes before the tips:
    • None of the Teacher Leaders will be available next Monday and Tuesday (including myself)
    •  Not to be sappy, but I am thankful for all of you who have invited me in to your classrooms.  I gambled on this position this year; I love teaching kids.  My goal was to influence more students in this position than I could’ve as a classroom teacher.  There is no data that can prove the success of that goal, but the staffs at both MS have really embraced the challenge of technology integration.  I cannot tell you how personally grateful I am of that.

    Anyway….on with a REALLY USEFUL TIP FOR EVERYONE!!!

    Just wanted to give you a small tip this week about signing into Chrome.  (this same thing can be done with FireFox, but slightly different buttons to push)

    Signing into Chrome is something that you can do at home and here at school to make sure that your internet settings and bookmarks are the same everywhere you sign in.  This certainly has value; you can bookmark a website at home and its in the bookmarks when you come to school automatically.


    If students can bookmark class websites or other important chrome apps for their education, they can access it no matter which computer they log onto in school or at home.  This allows them little programs and webpages at their finger tips everywhere they have an internet browser.

    Here is the advanced version:

    1. Have students (or you) log onto Chrome by pressing the three little lines and “signing in” that way as opposed to the “google log in” on the big screen
      1. Teachers who want to have other gmail accounts linked can “add a user” on the settings page to easily toggle back and forth
      2. An icon that you select will be present on the upper left hand corner of the screen once you have more than one user…and you can press it to change users easily.
      3. This option should only be done for teachers…not students.
    2. Students may have to log into the “google log in” on the big screen next
    3. Select “link data”
    4. Go back to settings and select “show bookmarks bar” (one time only)
    5. If on a student computer, students should log off, but if they don’t they will be logged off automatically when they log off the computer.

    Here is the differentiated version with visuals:

    Click the three little linesà Sign into Chrome (NOTE THAT THIS IS DIFFERENT THAN YOU USUALLY SIGN IN!!!!!!)

    Now put in your username and password (mine is: cmcdonald@linnmar.k12.ia.us and a password that I set up)

    IF you get the message below, it means that you have more than one person signed onto your Chrome…I do because I have a personal gmail account and a school account.  If the account listed on the message box is yours, simply push “Create new user”; if it is NOT YOURS, push “link anyway” to log them off and you on.  IF you create a new user, you’ll just create a little icon for you school account.  Contact me for more information about this

    It may ask you to sign in again, go ahead and do that.  That previous message will only happen in a small amount of teacher computers, this is where instruction for students would pick up.  Press “link data” to connect user account information onto this machine.  (BTW—student computers wipe out this information each time a new person logs on to the computer…meaning that students that forget to log out after they are completed will not be hijacked by others…but also means that students have to sign into chrome each time they get on)


    DO NOT IMPORT BOOKMARKS!!! Press the three little lines next!!

    Select “always show bookmarks bar”.  I believe you only have to do this once to have your bookmarks available everytime you log into chrome on a different computer.

    Voila!  You now have your bookmarks and Chrome apps available to you automatically.

    See you next Wednesday!

    CJ McDonald
    Linn-Mar Community School District
    Middle School Technology Integration Coach
    (319) 892-4856
    LM TICs Website: http://ow.ly/AxFhK

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